Monday, February 16, 2009

Sister from Penn-Del

i feel as though your falling back into your old habits.
i know it's hard, but you gotta stay strong. there was a reason i was writing Isaiah 41:13. I may not have known right away but when you told me I then knew why.

your strong my sister.
you need to keep fighting.
don't let satan knock you down and keep you down.
i love you and we'll fight this together.

yes, there are times when i know you want to quit and pick up that phone when he calls but if you do, you'll get sucked back into what you wanted to get out of.
i'm always here for you.

I know it may not seem like it but i am.
i'm sorry i'm so busy but i will never be to busy for you.
although it does seem like it, but God's doing some things in me.

Please open your heart up to him more.
He wants to be more than just a friend.
he wants to be your husband, best friend, daddy.

I love you girl.

1 comment:

Tina said...

i love you too
forever & always