Thursday, November 20, 2008

I'm tired of...

I'm getting tired of this genertaion of friends. This generation where being brittany spears is okay, or living your life on the edge is fine and dandy. Where turning your back on your friends just to fit in and be cool is now a way of life. When 14 year olds think that they know everything and anything and try to gain power over adults. Where they are too scared to actually stand up for something whether it's thier life or determining their future. No i am not talking about 2008 election. Where kids are to scared to open up thier mouths defending themselves but they will open up their mouth in a heartbeat if it's going to drag someone down. I want to see a change in this generation. I want to feel a revolution!

1 comment:

Jason Fitch said...

cool. start the revolution! you're well able to do it.